After all this....and all the other stuff I have been through for many, many years, I decided to do something solely for me for a change.
I decided to cast the net far and wide to see if I could finally land someone "special."
By special, I mean someone to actually love. Someone that I would know is thinking about me. Another man on the planet who wants and has an emotional connection with me, "Mr. Out of the Ashes."
So I placed several ads in cyber space that explained my situation and what I was looking for. I got lots of weird responses. One man wanted my dirty underwear shipped to him. Another wanted to date me but because I am very busy, he accused me of searching for something (yeah, I was), and that he hoped I find it. (Clearly it wasn't him...he didn't get it.) He hung up on me.
Other men that I found were of a similar vein. Or they expressed interest and never did anything about it. Or others talked the what they wanted...never to be heard from again.
So this past Wednesday morning I get a brief message from a guy on one of those sillly phone apps. It said, "Hi. Similar journey, live in Rehoboth, but work in Monday - Wednesday. Top bottom ... it's really about passion and connecting for me at this time in my life. Enjoy the great Setpember weather."
This began what is promising to be a wonderful relationship. We are proceeding slowly...but we are both exceedingly taken with each other.
We've met in person. We spent two hours talking about everything. He is well known in certain circles. He is quite artistic and in great demand. But he is unassuming. He was married to a female minister for a number of years. She was older than him. (Sound familiar?) No kids or grandkids.
We've been using technology to our advantage. We speak several times per day via phone. In the evening we spend time chatting via the MAC "FaceTime" application. We are going on a dinner date on Monday evening.
There has been quite a change in me. Folks have noticed. He and I are almost identical in ages.
It's good.
My heart flutters.
I believe this is the guy I have been looking for.
Keep your fingers crossed all.