Friday, July 07, 2006

Dear Fellow Travelers (My Readers):

Well, I've been blogging away here since March. This is my 75th post.

I never knew that I could write so much or have so much stuff in me to say about my issues and my life. AND...I don't think I'm done yet. There are more stories to tell, more adventures to describe. A life that is still yet to live. Hopefully you all will continue with me on this journey.

As stated in one of those posts, I blog with several rules in mind. One of those happens to be that I will write my raw and unadulterated feelings. Sometimes I may be eloquent. Other times I may sound off the wall. I may whine. I may whimper. I may voice frustration. BUT, keep in mind that this blog has come to be a safety valve...a release. I'm able to convey thoughts, ideas, situations, that I cannot voice anywhere else. I don't want to sanitize what I have to say.

When I go back and read some of my earlier posts and compare it to where I am now, I can see some real growth. Writing has been my healing. It has helped calm me during bad times. It has made me laugh when I've conveyed some of life's more comical moments. It has even helped me to see my life from a different perspective -- especially when one of you take the time to either write to me backchannel...or post a comment.

It excites me beyond words to hear something from one of you. Some of your stories have gripped my heart. I just wish I could reach out and give each of a you a big ole bear hug. I have thought about you all in the middle of the night.

It touches me to know that I have in some small way helped you as you navigate your different paths. It really does.

I'd be curious to find out how you found me. I'd also like to know more about your story. What brought you here? What are you facing? How old are you? Where are you from? Are you out to anyone?

I'm just very curious about who you all are. I mean, I do have a site meter on my site that tells me where you're from. But, I'd really like to hear from you. Also, if you have any questions you'd like to ask me, I'd be happy to answer them here or privately. Whatever.

So, if you're up to it, drop me a line. I've created a special email box for just this purpose. The address is:
Let me here from you....and keep reading!



jas said...

Heh Frank - Your blog is a constant source of comfort to me - I read it (via RSS sometimes) pretty well everyday.
How did I find you? Now that I can't remember. Must have followed a link somewhere, but I knew as soon as I did, that here was someone has been through something similar (though don't take this the wrong way) to the ghastly mess that I have made of my life.
I completely understand what you mean about using your blog as an escape valve.
Keep it up mate.

Frank said...

Thanks guy! I'm enjoying your blog too.

Just try and take it one step at a day at a time.

One day we'll all look back on this period of our lives and understand why we had to experience it.

Anonymous said...

Frank -

I just sent you an email. Hopefully it will give you more perspective about my interest in your blog.

I hope all other readers respond, too. You deserve it.

Frank said...

Thanks Paul....I will read every word this evening when I get home from work. I can't access it from here. Thanks for responding.

dRod said...

Hi Frank,

I followed a link from another Blog. Your Blog is of interest to me becasue my partner who is 51 was also married and has a 15y/o daughter. He has been through a journey like yours.

bear said...

I totally agree. I'm in the same boat: unadulterated blogging is awesome and helps me. I too have many here to thank for feedback, sharing or if just for the company (in my mind)! Although I don't necessarily share the same dilemna's, the problem itself keeps me up at night and distracted at work trying to find any "answer." I do remember that I did follow your blog from a comment on other's blogs...probably the same day I made my first comment here.
I'm trying to stay anonymous as much as possible so not sure if I'd answer *all* the questions

Bigg said...

Hey, Frank.
I love your blog. You are ahead of me in this journey, and I have been following your footsteps through this blog, trying to see where my own path might lead.
I very much understand about your blog being a safety valve and a release, as well. I started my blog in lieu of therapy, and so far it's served me well in that regard.