Had a fun experience on Saturday Night I thought I would share.
However, let me say first that something has been evolving within me for the past few weeks. I have discussed it on some of the support groups online that I am a part of. We had discussed how to know if a man was gay...or how to communicate you're interested. It was decided that it was the look that you give the other man....or the look the other man gives you. I've been practicing my look....and have found that indeed it does seem to work. I used it at the nightclub on Saturday night. Here's my story:
A couple of my friends from church invited me to go to a nightclub that features male strippers. It is a relatively new club that features really hot men who get totally naked. They also do lap dances! Now, in all of my 51 years, I have never been to such a place... and have never received a lap dance. As I entered the club, I mustered up my confidence and courage. I made sure my posture was tall and straight. I walked in confidently and started looking around the place. The dancers were already on their pedestals and I began making unblinking eye contact with the bartenders and some of the strippers.
My friends and I found a nice couch and sat and watched this beautiful young man do his thing. He turned and looked at me and I gave hime the look and smiled. To my amazement, he smiled back broadly and came over to me and introduced himself. I shook his hand and he began dancing for me. I complimented him and soon he was on top of the couch with his body parts just a few inches from me. He then buried his face in the nape of neck and he whispered how good I smelled.
I tipped him and he was gone to others, but he kept looking over at me and winking.
Near the end of the evening I saw him dancing on the bar. I got up closer to watch, but out of the whole crowd of guys, he saw me. He grinned broadly at me and motioned for me to come closer. He then squatted down in front of me. I smiled and thanked him for making my first time there so special. He put a hand on both my shoulders. I looked into his beautiful eyes and said that of all the dancers I had watched during the evening, he was my favorite--hands down. He gave me that smile again, drew me closer, and thanked me. He also said it was easy to dance for me because of just how cute I was. He held me close then kissed my cheek!
I told him to stay safe and I floated into the crowd.
I then saw another couple of my friends in another part of the club. It has been a year since I saw them. They saw me and were glad to see me. One said, "Frank, I don't know what you have done to yourself, but damn you are looking hot tonight!"
I am amazed.
I realize that I was in a nightclub with dancers looking for tips. But that dancer was tremendously kind to me.
My friends were not looking for money, and they saw something different in me.
So something is happening and I am getting a tremendous kick out of it.
Perhaps I will meet someone special after all.
This is one of the more powerful stories I've heard in a while. Amazing what a confident attitude can do! Congratulations. You're really on to something here.
Frank, just keep BEING somebody special, like you do every day. Someone will find YOU and have gratitude that you are in their life.
Your story made me feel really, really good. I'm grinning ear to ear for you.
You really have a cool story here. Spending time in night clubs with handsome male strippers is sometimes fun.
This guy looks like someone I've seen at a male strip club. Wonder if it's him.
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