The beginning of another week....
My only hope is that it turns out to be better than last week.
Yesterday the family gathered to celebrate Mom O'Lovey's birthday. All the usual suspects were there from my wife's family. It was highly enjoyable this round because Lovey was VERY late. She had to be all ministerial and help some traveling strangers whose car had broken down, they had no money, and somehow they found Lovey. Oh well.
But a strange thing happened.
I was actually relaxed and having a good time. My son the marine came home for this event. #1 had taken off early yesterday to be with my mother this week during her battery of pre operative screenings. I don't have to be there until sometime next weekend. Originally I had planned to attend my 30th High School Reunion, but with mom and everything, I just don't think I have the energy to do that and be there for her.
At any rate, I got to enjoy my son.... I made it through dinner....and most of desert, when the doorbell rang. It was Lovey. She finally had arrived. From the moment I heard her voice, I could feel every muscle in my body begin to tighten up and the stress level increased. She had the same effect on me that scratching one's nails on a chalkboard does.
I wonder what this did to my blood pressure.
I wonder if this is why I had blood pressure problems to begin with?
I left the festivities shortly thereafter. I needed to get away. I wanted the solitude of my home.
By the time I made it home, I was exhausted and I fell into bed....and slept. I awoke refreshed after about an hour and a half.
What a strange afternoon.
1 comment:
It is a good sign that you can realize that Lovey's presence has this effect upon you. Now since this is your reaction, the next thing to do is to see what it is within you that causes you to choose this response. The response is not necessary. But it is bringing up things that, you are holding, that it would be better for you to let go.
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