Monday, July 03, 2006

Just a Little Bummed....

I'm feeling like I can't win no matter how hard I try. I just can't.

Lovey paints her life with me the way she wants to...and she has a willing and receptive audience who believes her every word.

For instance, I heard through the grapevine that Mom O'Lovey has been saying that I should be keeping Lovey in the lifestyle to which she has grown accustomed. Further, she thinks it's awful that Lovey has to split her retirement with me because she saved more than I did.


First, there is no requirement in the Commonwealth of Virginia that says I have to keep my spouse in the lifestyle to which she has grown accustomed.

Second, Lovey, at one point, had a much more generous employer than me, who matched her contributions into her retirement, dollar for dollar. What I'm getting from her brings me up to equal footing with her accounts...and it's not split half-way. By the way, she's helping herself to 50% of my main retirement account. So, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. How come it's all right for her to do this to me....and not right for me to do a similar deed?


Yes, I do happen to make a lot more money than Lovey. However, I'm also assuming the lion's share of all the bills.

I have a mortgage. She doesn't.
I'm paying auto insurance on three vehicles. She's only paying for her own.
I'm paying health insurance premiums for our daughters. She isn't.
I'm taking care of one daughter, home from college. She isn't.
I'm also paying for the extended year of classes for the other daughter. She isn't.

Need I go on?

The other reason that Frank, the Fag is bummed is because my son the marine, MSM, doesn't have a desire to go visit his mother. I'll probably be blamed for this because she'll say I'm turning the kids away from her.

Also, supposedly, tomorrow there is some grand family gathering at one of Lovey's Sisters' Palaces, and yours truly was not invited. Because of this, #1 refuses to attend. I heard her tell her mom that if I weren't invited, she has no desire to go. So, it's Frank the Fag's fault!

I have tried to encourage MSM's visit to his mom' no avail. I also told #1 that she should consider going to the family cookout tomorrow without me. After all, she's still very much a part of the family...I'm not. #1's response, "Nonsense, Dad. I think it's silly for them to just excommunicate you so quickly even though you have been in the family for nearly 25 years. Even though you're still married to Mom."

Ah yes... Still married. No separation agreement. No final divorce decree.


Vic Mansfield said...

A picture, a town. New life is beginning. Hang in there bro., you'll make it.

Cheers, Joe.

john said...

In general, and I know it's horrible to stereotype, but don't woman get the upperhand in any separation?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've felt the same things. I even have to remind my kids of the things I pay for. You'll never win over the other half's family. You can't control their thoughts. What you can control is how you conduct your life. Actions always speak louder, and keeping my head high and integrity sound has silenced many a critic. Also, I've found, people start turning a deaf ear to those who complain and whine about their situation e.g. ex-wives.

So, hang in there, bud.

Bigg said...

I myself am experiencing something very similar. It seems to me that, in divorce situations, the wife is favored both in terms of financial support and custody arrangements. This makes it easy for a woman who wants to "punish" her ex.
Hang in there, Frank. I have faith that things will get better -- for both of us.