Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Settling Dust

I'm back home now after having spent a few days away at the beach with a close friend and #1. #1 and I worked to help him close up his house for the winter.

But it was just good to get away and vary the routine a bit...and not to just be working on the house (will it ever end?). Honestly, to be able to just hang out was really super.

On Saturday we visited some casinos. Now, #1 has never darkened the door of a casino before. But there we were. It was really a good experience for her. Although she and I don't quite understand all the hoopla about casinos. Yeah, we played a little...she lost $5 and I walked out with my original investment intact. So, we visited the casinos and we played a game...not such a big deal really.

When we got home. She and I did our final shopping escapade for the house. It was the large screen TV I always have wanted to have in my rec room. It set me back a small fortune. But, the way I look at things, this is the last stuff I plan on buying for a very long time. Now, my house is basically complete.....and I can sit down and enjoy everything...and start paying the bills.....and putting away money for a rainy day.

The TV arrives on Monday. Once that arrives, I will begin posting pictures of the place.... I look forward to your feedback.

What a journey this summer has been! WHEW!

I sense though that for all the angst...and sadness....and resentment....and hurt...that I have written about.....I seem to be in a much better place overall. My blood pressure is waaay down....migraines are gone......My life just seems to be settling down into a nice peaceful routine.

Gave the separation agreement back to Lovey over a week ago. No word back from her.

My son the marine called day before yesterday to announce that he is being sent to Iraq around Christmas. Bummer. If it happens. He's been told this a number of times, and it just never seems to pan out. So we'll see. If he goes to Iraq....and my daughter is sent to some remote region for the Peace's just going to be two new things to worry me about. This will replace all the worry and concern I have had about Lovey and the divorce.

Always something.

1 comment:

bear said...

You'll never stop worrying about your kids. With your son being a Marine, I do worry about the war. (I have close friend there too.)Maybe an early Xmas is called for if he can't be around?

Glad everything is settling down for you too. Amazing how your health is affected when you are stressed. Nice feeling to be at the bottom of the rollercoaster for a time... Never saw any big hoopla over casino's either...