Monday, November 19, 2012

A Strange Trip to WV

I just returned from a trip to my hometown in WV. It was so very strange on so many levels. I had one task to do, which was having a gas leak repaired at the house I inherited from my parents. It is another ghost of repairs past made by my well meaning father.

The thing that really bothered me this time came in the form of those silly telephone apps that I have on my telephone. These apps are ways to meet other gay men in close proximity to where your phone is. Well, while I was in WV, I began receiving messages from closely and apparently very horny gay men. They were horny gay married men.

That doesn't surprise me....because most of the gay men in that area are deeply closeted.

I just decided to chat some of these guys up. But I was surprised by what they were looking for.

They were direct and to the point.

They wanted to meet me for sex....unprotected, barebacking, penetrative, gay sex with me. When I asked, "Aren't you concerned about the fact that you know nothing about know nothing of my sexual history.....I could be crawling alive with all manner of disease....and then when you penetrate are exposed. Then you take it home to your wife!"

Their response floored me. They each said that they weren't concerned or that it didn't matter!!!

I gracefully declined their offers.

My goodness....if this happens in my relatively small that the feeling in the majority of the population in major areas like where I live? It scared the heck out of me.

Don't they care at all about their wives?


William Dameron said...

Hi Frank, Enjoyed reading a few of your blog posts. Like you, I was married to a woman for a long time. Now married to a wonderful man and living in Boston. It's two different worlds, huh? When I return to NC, I am always surprised that I have forgotten how closeted people are there. Sounds like they are so desperate for sex, that they will go to any extreme. Very sad.

Will said...

I think a couple of things are in operation here:
1) the common human belief that bad things happen to other people and,
2) the fact that there are AIDS drugs that extend life for decades has left a lot of people, especially the young, with the idea that it's all over and there isn't much danger any more.

As you obviously realize, both of these assumptions are false. Not to mention a great many other STDs out there.