Monday, August 17, 2015


Long ago when I started this blog, I established a cardinal rule. That rule was that I would publish my truth and never use this as a platform to make me look good. It would be my unvarnished truth...and so here it is.

I've become a bitter old queen.

What made me this way today you may wonder? Well, I'm going through a period of time where I am just tired of being gay. In fact, I'm tired of all things gay. Rainbow. Sparkles. Pride.

Not sure where all this came from...but it is there. I'm tired of meeting nice guys...eligible guys...who are looking for every other kind of man but me. I'm too young. I'm too old. My hair is too silver. My hair isn't silver enough. I have a slight belly. My belly is not big enough. I'm not a twink. I'm not a bear. I have no muscles. I have no washboard abs. I'm not the correct sexual position in life. I'm too smooth. I'm not smooth enough. I'm chubby. I'm tall, but not quite tall enough.

Get the idea?

I'm just me.

I wonder if there is someone out there who "gets me."

Is there?


Anonymous said...

Stop whining about it. It seems every time I see your blog you're whining about what you don't have. I thought your blog might be interesting, but in the brief period I've followed it, it's been all whining. Just sayin...

Kp said...

Hey Frank, I just want to say that I LOVE your blog so far. Fuck the anonymous guy above; there's nothing wrong with sharing your deepest thoughts, and honestly, I think it shows great strength. We put ourselves out there sometimes in hopes that someone can level with us or know that they aren't going through it alone, not to be torn down by others. I admire your bravery, amongst all the other brave things you've done. I'm slowly working my way down your blogs. I'd like to get to read all of them, however, being a college student who works about 35 - 40 hours a week who likes to have a bit of a social life, that might take a while; but I'm determined! Thanks for posting buddy.

You're cubbish friend at,
Kaseem Parsley.