I made it home all safe and sound yesterday evening.
It's really good to be back home. I've missed not being here.
Even my dog is glad to be home....but I won't let him near the new carpet....and I've been crating him at night so that he can't piddle or dump on it.
The drive home through scenic West Virginia and through the state of Virginia was very pleasant. It gave me a lot of time to think about things....about my life......and how things have played out. I also have been very thankful that things for my mom have worked out so well. I'm definitely not taking all that for granted.
Part of my problem for these past two weeks has been the fact that I haven't had any fellowship with any gay people. Although I know that the law of averages says that there is some sort of a gay population in my hometown, it's very hard to find people who will own up to it....or discuss it.....or acknowledge it. So, I sort of feel like I've been wandering the desert for these past two weeks.
No affirmation....no physical contact (platonic I mean) of any kind with another male.
I felt like the only gay guy on the planet.
It's a very LONELY feeling.
But, now that I am back, I've visited with a close gay friend already. Two others have contacted me about having dinner with them sometime this week....because they want to hear all about my mom.
I'm feeling encouraged.
ON top of all this, my clock arrives on Wednesday evening! Something to look forward to.
I'm also working to get rid of junk......Lovey's left overs.....and stuff I no longer want or need.
Finally, I'm able to again write here on a more regular basis. Dialup connections are the pits for checking email....and writing blog entries.
So, here I am!
Back from the Mountain State!
Glad to hear everything is well. Sorry you felt so "lonely in the desert." You're right, most guys won't own up to it, although a lot of straight guys would hug just as soon a gay guy, so your friends don't HAVE to be gay to be close to you, we all could use a good hug sometimes.
Anyways, must be nice to be home...welcome back!
I love driving through West Virginia. To me it's the prettiest state. I may be biased seeing that I grew up there.
I'm glad to hear that you're alright.
And you've got us, you'll never be lonely.
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