Mom came home today from her second visit to the hospital and her second major surgery in 4 weeks! She won't let me be there with her. She's arranged for Home Healthcare to come and change her dressings once a day. (Dad will do it in the evenings.)
She's definitely not herself...and when I talk to her I can hear the frustration and residual pain in her voice.
The doctor made a mistake, and he 'fessed up to it. He says that her muscle did not separate as first thought. This is translated: she didn't have to go through this second surgery, but because he thought things were going on that weren't, she had the second surgery! Can you believe it?
She frustrated.
Can you really blame her?
I just pray now that she can continue the healing process and move forward.
Sort of reminds me of me and the healing process I now find myself in.
I'm in a healing process and desperately want to move forward.
What a summer!
I was so dreading June 20. The departure. The aftermath. Purchasing furniture...the right furniture. Cancer. My mother.
Whew! It makes me tired to think about it all.
But here I am...still surviving.....still going from one day to another. Each day seems a bit better than the last.
I told a friend at lunch that I'm sick and tired of being "down". I have no real good reason to be depressed. It's time for me to get over it already. Enough!
Some of the furniture has arrived. I still need to have my dining room stuff arrive. Then, once all this is done. I will take some tasteful pictures of the decorating job that Frank did and post them for you to see.
Yes....I'm gonna make it after all!
From the long interval in your posts I had assumed that you had gone to be with your mother. Sorry to hear that the pain and set back were unnecessary. Medicine is an inexact science, doctors do the best that they can with often conflicting and partial data, but when it is someone you love who is affected, it is hard not go be angry.
Indeed you will make it after all! Just continue to breath. Also enjoy the glory that each day brings – it is sometimes hard to see, but each day that we live is glorious in that we can tell someone that we love them and if we are very lucky they will tell us that we are loved also.
I look forward to seeing the pictures of the fruits of your labors. And I look forward to hearing of your house being used to make your friends and neighbors comfortable so that you all can laugh and share yourselves with each other. That is the best medicine for depression that I know of.
June 20th now seems like ages ago. Proof that time does move on!
What Rick says is correct, it is an inexact science. It's unfortunate, but it's always a possibility to keep in mind. Sorry your mother had to go through it, she has every right to be frustrated.
I'm glad you are seeing things in a brighter light and that all the craziness has subsided. I too look forward to see what you got!
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