Monday, April 20, 2009

My Daughter Is Set to Return From El Salvador

One week from tomorrow my daughter from the Peace Corps will be arriving to have some medical tests run. She has finished her tour of two years. She had originally wanted to stay for a third year, but she was thwarted by some strange medical readings and was sent home to have medical tests run. I am betting that things are not so serious. I am also betting that she will return there for her third year. Then she will be back here for good.

She'll probably be here for 3 weeks. Then return...and hopefully will get to come back home for a month's vacation beginning in June -- in time for her mother's big ordination.

As a result of her mom's and my communication failures from back in February, I am not invited to this big day. This is okay because I was not planning on going anyway. I'm simply at the point where I am done trying to be kind to their mom. Everything I do and have done is misconstrued and viewed ominiously. So, it's time to stop trying.

Lovey finally changed her name back to her maiden name. Something she was adamant about not ever doing because at the time she said she wanted to keep the same name as her children.

When quizzed, she informed them that they wouldn't be keeping their names either going forward when they marry. So to her it is no really big deal.

"It's time for me to show my independence," she says.

Well, I'm not too sure about all that.

It probably wasn't a good time to be writing all this. I'm tired....cranky....and "touchy" tonight.

1 comment:

A Troll At Sea said...


The thing that hit me hardest was Isis taking her maiden name again--my problem was that it came unannounced, and only through a third party.

It hurt for a long while. I didn't mean my leaving to mean that the long years of our marriage had never happened, but that is how the name change hit me.

Not that I can really say that I blame her, it just hurts. A lot.

But things will get better.
Trust in Him.