Two weeks and one day are left before the big day!
As of this writing, there is still no movement on the separation agreement front.
I have a prediction to make: “Lovey” is going to give me the separation agreement to sign at the last moment before she leaves. She will huff and puff and perhaps stomp her foot when I don’t jump and sign immediately. Perhaps there will even be more tears. Who knows?
I shouldn’t be expected to sign it immediately. I mean, after all, she has had the agreement since October…eight full months. I need to look it over carefully, and have my attorney look it over and provide suggestions.
In the meantime, “Lovey” took two carloads of stuff to her new abode on Friday. By looking at what’s remaining in my house, you can’t tell two carloads are gone!
She also reports that she does not have air conditioning in her house, there is mold in the house, and, there’s D-con mouse bait under her bed. She has a well, and a septic system. Hmmmmm, these aren’t good things for a woman with chronic allergies and other ailments. However, I refuse to worry about it…or get sucked into this brewing drama.
This was her goal….this was her decision to move….and to pursue HER ministry.
But it is difficult for me not to be concerned…to not be sucked in…to fix the situation…. For the past 24 or so years, that’s been my job – the protector, the caretaker, the provider.
Now I have a new role: bystander.
Will this ever get any easier?
It will probably get easier once "Lovey" is away, deep into "her own ministry" and thus has other things/people to occupy her mind. I think you are wise to not rise to the bate of "fixing" her problelms. I would listen sympathetically, but these are her problems now. If she asks that you do something specific for her, then I'd evaluate the request just like that from any other friend. That trip to New Mexico is looking better all the time ;-)
It will probably get easier once "Lovey" is away, deep into "her own ministry" and thus has other things/people to occupy her mind. I think you are wise to not rise to the bate of "fixing" her problelms. I would listen sympathetically, but these are her problems now. If she asks that you do something specific for her, then I'd evaluate the request just like that from any other friend. That trip to New Mexico is looking better all the time ;-)
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