Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Lovey's Big Day

Yesterday was Lovey's big day!

Yes, at the annual meeting of her denomination's state delegates, she became commissioned. She is now, a full-fledged, probationary member.

In three short years, she can be ordained.

So, this was a day that had been before us for quite sometime. As you can see, June has been filled with such important dates: June 9, June 12, and June 20. Two down and one more to go.

Yesterday was filled with very mixed emotions for me.

I really didn't want to be there.

I knew that I would feel out of place.

I felt that it could open up some recently healed wounds.

Yet, I went...not for Lovey...but because #1 wanted me to go be with her as she attended her mom's function. #2 and my marine were unable to come see their mother go through this all important ceremony.

So, there I was, camera in hand...taking pictures of Lovey.

See Lovey enter the colliseum.

See Lovey march down the aisle in her flowing robe.

See Lovey pray.

See Lovey and her mom march to the stage.

See Lovey be prayed for and have the state big whigs lay hands on her.

See Lovey receive her certificate.

See Lovey be surrounded by all her fans. See Lovey get hugged. See Lovey eating it all up.

I got it all photographed for posterity.

She's all set for her first pastorate to begin and all the blessings of God to follow.

I drove 200 miles back home with #1 and got home at 1:30 this morning.

It had been a very long day.

1 comment:

john said...

You have such a good heart for going.