I'm still at the office.
I'm winding down after a very long day.
Things have been fairly uneventful. Just keeping the paper moving....and trying to help the people who work for me encouraged and motivated to do a good job.
I was a bit surprised this morning to have received an email from someone yesterday (my off day)....here at the office. I didn't read it until today. This someone is somebody that I could very easily fall for.....hook, line, and sinker. He's attractive.....he's a professional..... and he's someone that would be perfect on so many levels...loving.....gregarious.....gentle..... WOW!
Could this be the one I have dreamed about and longed for? The one that won't treat me like leftovers.
Perhaps I'm reading too much into this very innocent email. Still, he took the time to write a few little personal comments that made me feel special...very special. We've spent some time together....shared some meals together.....talked....and laughed. He closed the email by saying that he is looking forward to seeing me again.
So, who knows? (Yes, he confirmed that he is in fact, gay!)
I responded....reservedly to let him know that it was so good to hear from him.....and how pleased I was. (Translated....I'm not desperate.) I invited him to dinner soon -- away from the office and time constraints...in a friendly...non lecherous sort of way as a friend. He stays so busy....and at this point I'm not going to call...or to badger. I'm just going to let this play out....and see where it leads.
This one dropped totally out of nowhere!
My fingers and toes are crossed.....
Could my search be over? Am I ready for a special relationship?
I just don't know. I've met some awfully nice men here recently.... But they are all either partnered already, unhappily married to a woman, or live hundreds of miles away and are a combination of the other two. This is the first actually self-identified, GAY and SINGLE man that I have had the pleasure to get to know.
We'll see.
1 comment:
This is great – indeed have “pleasure getting to know” this “self-identified, GAY and SINGLE man”. It may turn into a long term relationship or not, but either way, you can have pleasure in the moment and that is for me at least the best that can be.
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