My birthday was outstanding!
I heard from all three children, spent some quality time with my parents, and heard from friends that really mattered, including my Brokeback Mountain!
However, as they say, all good things must come to an end. Boy, when I arrived at my office, things certainly came to a screeching halt. All I had to do was read the email that had come into me while I have been off. One in particular caught my eye. It was from my attorney.
This is how it began:
“You say that "it really is time to get this done", but you keep sending me orders that I cannot endorse.”
It ended with:
“And please do not send me any more letters that imply that I am stalling this case. I would have signed your first decree a month ago if it was done correctly.”
Does this give you any sense of what I’ve been dealing with? Lovey dragged her feet for almost two years, and suddenly it’s as if my attorney and I are the ones that have stalled.
I’m very frustrated.
Why can’t this all be OVER? Why is Lovey’s attorney being so difficult? Why does he continually cite language that is only applicable in cases where minor children are involved? Why has his documents been so sloppy and done so poorly?
Clearly I don’t understand.
Now that we’re at the end of this difficult process, you’d think they’d be over whatever game they feel the need to play. But, they don’t seem to be finished.
Do you suppose I will be officially divorced by summer?
Is there any reason why the four of you can't get together in a room and go through the agreement point-by-point and get everyone's issues and concerns out at one time, then agree on a final version?
I hope that things go your way and that this is finished soon so that you can start your life.
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