I've arrived at a conclusion.
Based on the fact that the O'Loveys continue to push my buttons and that Lovey cannot seem to get her attorney under control, it is time for me to sever the ties I thought I had with them. Coupled with the fact that my birthday has come and gone, and yet none of them can not so much as even acknowledge that, it appears that the love they prided themselves on saying that they had for me was shallow at best.
So, I will withdraw.
No more references to Lovey's mom and mother....no acknowledgment of mother's day either. Lovey's birthday, which comes on May 25 will not be acknowledged by me. Neither will her mother's birthday in July be acknowledged.
I'm not feeling petty. BUT, I'm just tired of the drama....the pretense.....the games. It is now time for me to begin my life over...without them.
There is going to be a bridal reception at Lovey's Mother's house on June 2 for Lovey's niece and husband who were married in Cozumel around New Year's. I'm invited to it, but I am not going to go there. It makes no sense for me to take part. I plan to give them a gift of some sort privately. But I'm not going to be a part of this festive occasion.
I've given some thought to the attorney issue described earlier today. There is absolutely nothing to negotiate. There is nothing to talk about and sitting down with Lovey and her attorney would do no good. The wrong Virginia Statutes have been cited.....the order is filled with fragments......duplicate entries.....and refers to Lovey as "him".... to name a bare few.
AH....the aggravation of it all.
It makes no sense.
But it will be over soon...I pray.
It is probably a good idea to just not interact for a while. It appears that you interactions have are currently done with the assumtion of bad will, I can not tell if this is really the case, but that does not matter, that is the perception. Until the feelings have soothed enough to change the assumtion of bad will, there is nothing to be gained by further friction.
I think it's the best thing for you to do--severe ties. I think that it will be better for you and will enable you to move on.
We're here for you if you need us!!
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