Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Some Other Signs of Healing.....

A dear friend told me early on in this process that you'll know that you're beginning to heal when you start sleeping in the middle of the bed...instead of the side you stayed on during your marriage.

I think this is very indicative of how I'm tracking.

For the longest time in these two years, I've actually tried to sleep in the middle, but invariably I wake up on my side. Or...I'm so far on my side that I'm right on the edge.

It's been very interesting.

So, let's fast forward to these past few weeks.

Things have changed....and it's almost like it was overnight. My positive feelings....my happy thoughts......the simple joy that I have in drawing my next breath have just all "appeared."

Needless to say, I'm amazed.

And, this morning, I noticed that when I awoke, I am totally sprawled out across the bed. I mean my dog, Davy, barely has room to find a place to curl up on my QUEEN sized bed!

Am I healing or what?

Something has changed. Most definitely.

It's just a tad unsettling.

My West Virginia fatalism kicks in and I find myself wondering when something bad is going to happen. I'm just TOO happy.

But that is so silly. I've had such a sad life these past years.....and it's now refreshing to feel like I have definitely moved on.


1 comment:

Vic Mansfield said...

There are always ups and downs. But enjoy it while it lasts. My dear departed mama always said, "Nothing so good it lasted forever; nothing so bad it lasted forever."

You go, bro!