Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Life IS Good!

When I compare where I was last year, with where I am emotionally this year, I can't begin to describe the difference....and it's all for the better!

I'm much more settled. Life has gotten a lot more routine. I don't feel so mistrustful or angry at myself.

Things are settling rather nicely.

My daughter in Nashville created my announcement and I've been sending them out to people. Out of all the ones I've sent so far, only 3 have turned me down. So, I'm very excited about all my friends coming!

So, for your viewing pleasure is the announcement. I think #2 did a splendid job.

Life IS good now!


Bigg said...

That's a terrific picture of you, Frank! You're looking very handsome!

jen jen said...

Yes, Frank! I think your quite the hottie!

jen jen said...

Lovey, eat your heart out!

bear said...

Hmm! I have to agree, picture of you looks great!