It's late....and I'm ready for bed.
I've been busy today...even though I've been home. When people know I'm home, the phone jumps off the hook. Couldn't nap....I took #1 to work....took myself to breakfast....and then tried to chill.
I'm still somewhat irritated at Lovey. Although I have looked at it from all angles, there is nothing that I can do to make the situation better for #1. If I call Lovey, it will make me sound controlling or trying to stir up trouble. If I say anything to my daughter, it will be taken as being critical and harsh.
So, I am just going to keep my thoughts to myself and do my best to make the bonvoyage party a happy occasion for my daughter.
Oh, I can tell that she is a little bothered by her mom's unavailability. But, she's a trouper and continues to smile and look forward to all those people that will be here on Saturday evening.
We've got almost 20 who are coming. So there is much to do between now and Saturday at 3:00 p.m.
Since before Christmas, I think I have hosted more people in my home that I did in the previous 12 years. This was primarily because beginning in about 1995 our house was a perpetual wreck. Books, paper, sermon outlines, class notes, church paraphenalia...blah...blah.
How exciting it is to be able to entertain and not worry about how "bad" things look.
I guess this is another sign that there is life after divorce. It feels really good.
Speaking of divorce, I've not heard anything further from Lovey's attorney. Since she has exhausted the house money (money she was paid for our house), she wants her alimony to begin. My attorney told her attorney that he would have to incorporate different language into their agreement before we could agree to it.
So we're still waiting for her attorney to provide that to us. Then, when that is done and my attorney reviews it, I will sign it. Then it will be shipped back to the other side for their signature. Then alimony will begin the first of the month following the signature.
Then, only a few more weeks and the deed will be done FINALLY....and I will be free!
Life will officially begin anew for me!
I'm at the point where I am looking forward to it!
I love you and you don't even know who I am. I respect your decisions.
My divorce anniversary is this Sat., It took 3 years for mine to happen. Well worth the wait.
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