Friday, July 10, 2020

A Much Better Day

Today was much better all the way around.  I awoke early and then headed to the County Courthouse to get copies of my divorce decree and my settlement agreement to provide to my attorney who is drawing up the paper work to get me released from the alimony portion of what is expected of me upon retirement. This will greatly help me prepare for retirement--whenever that is.

I then took all the  paperwork and the other information requested and dropped it by my attorney's office across town.  Came home, had lunch and commenced work in my home office.

As I contemplated my liver situation, I had a calm to envelope me.  So I refuse to worry about it.  I'm praying that the mysterious spot on my liver is a nodule.  I'm praying that it will go away and at a minimum it will reduce in size during this 3 months.  If not, I hope that it stays the same size and no new tumors appear.   So I am hopeful.

I've heard from a boatload of folks wishing me well and encouraging me too.  I feel very blessed indeed.

Today was a MUCH better day.

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