How do they do it?
You know...the people in the movies who are the perpetual best friends? I'm thinking of the Mary Wickes types or Rosie O'Donnell in "Sleepless in Seattle"...the folks who are stuck at always being "the bridesmaid, but never the bride" in life.
Or how about Julia Roberts in "My Best Friend's Wedding?" She's in love with her best friend, who is on the verge of matrimony with someone else?
I feel like all of them.
I keep getting told by my gay friends that you are going to find "the one."
"Frank, you're a great catch!"
"Wow, Frank, someone is going to sweep you up in no time!"
"Frank, you've got so much to give....some guy is really going to be glad he found you."
Well, these are really nice compliments.....but I don't exactly have the boys lining up at my doorstep asking for a date.
Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to come across as an ingrate....but it's kind of frustrating to be surrounded by such nice and eligible gay men...but I generally find that they are either married, in partnered relationships, or the ones who might be interested live billions of miles away in the next state -- five states over.
Or....I love the date I went on several months ago: the guy signed his note of interest as "Two Date Minimum." It seemed promising enough. I met him. We had dinner. He seemed like a nice guy...someone that I'd like to at least get to know a bit better. BUT...I've not heard anything from him since. So, I suppose I didn't get the minimum, did I?
Then there are the types who are only looking for the next notch on the proverbial bed post. As you have dinner they have this glazed, faraway look in their eyes.....they walk you to the door.....their hand wanders...or the hug lingers a little more than what one would expect.... They want more.
You know the type.
They want to take you inside......slam the door.....rip off your clothes.....drag you to the bedroom....... And then, when the moaning stops.....they literally run away headed for their next conquest. As they do, they glance over their shoulder to say, "I had a GREAT time. I'll call you!"
But those types never do.
So, it makes me wonder what my problem is.
I think I'm okay looking.......I think I'm a good catch.......I know how to communicate about all kinds of subjects.......I am gainfully employed.
Is the man of my dreams out there?
Will I ever meet someone that will treat me as more than the "Best Friend." Will I ever meet someone that won't view me as an after thought....or the term I've always loved....."leftovers?"
Gee, I hope so.