Friday, July 16, 2010

Fabulous Friday

So here I am sitting at my desk at the office. It has been quite hard to get me motivated to do anything today. I'm suffering from the want of going home....and starting my weekend...and what a wonderful weekend it is going to be.

Tomorrow is Mom O'lovey's birthday celebration. She is going to be celebrating her big 80! She contacted me a number of weeks ago and said that no matter what I was doing, she wanted me there to be with her on her big day! Since she and I have forged a wonderful friendship through the years, and the fact that she does feel like my mom in some respects, how can I refuse.

All my children will be will all of Lovey's illustrious sisters and their husbands save one.

So, since I appear to be dwelling in my happy place these is going to be interesting for me to be with all of them....and allowing all of them to see the inner peace and contentment I have. I can use this celebration as a time of reflecting and silently giving thanks for the blessings I have been permitted to have in my life: my kids....all the temporal things I have.....I survived the divorce and landed somewhat on my feet.......and I have tons of I have these men friends who appear to be gaining some momentum in my life as relationship potential.

On top of all will be interesting to observe the interactions between all of the O'Lovey's...with each other and with me. Another sign that I am cruising in brand new good territory is the fact that while there have been times where I've been afraid that the gay thing will become a topic of conversation at one of these family gathering, this time I feel that if they have they nerve to ask or bring it up...then I have the nerve to tell and discuss!

This is a big change for me!

I kind of don't care anymore.

I'm gay.

All the main people that I care about all know and the world did not stop revolving. Western Civilization did not end as we know it. God is still on his throne. The sun still rises and sets.

And I'm here.

All these last few lines of text are of huge importance.....and it has taken over five years to get to this place.


1 comment:

Ron said...

You have discovered the secret of coming out. The world continues to spin. Life goes on. Your worst fears are not realized. That doesn't mean that there isn't some who are still judgmental. But remember, that is their problem. You have taken control over your life. Isn't it a wonderful feeling?