Sunday, July 26, 2020

The One Who Got Away -The Next Chapter

I've decided to provide some more information about a gentleman who has reappeared in my life.  

We've known each other for at least 7 or so years.  He and I originally became acquainted online.  I was recovering from my parents' death and peripheral issues.  But we started conversing and there was something indeed very special about him that I could sense.  Over time, he provided contact information and asked to keep in touch.  

At the time, I was so consumed by all my drama, that I failed to do that right away and lost his information.  We also lost track of each other.  Sadly, I always viewed him as the "one that got away."  I long regretted not pursuing him.

So about two months ago, he surfaced again!  I could not believe my eyes.  This time I reach out to him and started to chatting.  He remembered me!  Hurdle number one was crossed.  

Once again he provided all of his contact information.  This time I gladly kept safe and began writing and texting him.   I had not told him of my feelings and decided to play it cool that is until one of our conversations in mid-June took a dark turn.  He mentioned that he was considering suicide because he was a man who couldn't seem to get his life together...and that being gay on top of it was just too much.

It caused a knee jerk reaction in me...and I spilled the beans.  It seemed like an eternity for him to respond to my message.  I thought...WOW...why would this man who is out of my league on so many levels ever be interested in the likes of me??  

When he responded, whatever I said to him must have really struck a chord.  He said, "No one has ever said anything like that to me before."  Well, he didn't say go away.  LOL.

Since that time, we're almost at two months and counting.  Something is definitely happening to us both.  I have feelings that I've not really had before.  We're communicating daily.   I like how I'm feeling.  Our telephone conversations are marathons.  AND how they fly by!   We write.  We text.  We call.  COVID has limited any other contact.  That is probably a blessing....because we're getting to know each other in a deeply personal and intimate way before anything physical occurs.

I'm hopeful.

Send me some positive vibes people!


Michael said...

I'm sending you positive vibes! Hopefully this will turn out to be something good.

johnmichael said...

Hoping this continues and glad you found someone.

I have a friend on-line that I have lost touch with. An I would love to get in contact with him, strictly has friends of course. Hoping that one day he re-appears.