Friday, April 03, 2009


One would think that after all the stuff I've experienced in the past few years I would understand the concept of God and Trust.

But, sadly, I haven't.

Oh, there are times where I believe that I have achieved "baby steps" in this, but overall I think I am a miserable failure.

Right now I am working on it.

Tremendously hard.

My first impulse when I enter into new territory or experiences is to not trust, but rather fall into the trap of fear.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of what could happen.

Fear of what I don't want to happen.

Fear of failure.

So, for what it is worth, I am going to work on my need in trusting in God. In looking back over all the events that have composed my life thus far, God has never let me down.

I've never had to doubt that.

So, why do I worry? Now?

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