Thanks to each of you who have written to me out of concern about my silence.
I have been struggling to adjust to my new life with insulin. So far, my sugars have dropped by half. Still they have not gotten to the normal phase, but hopefully it will be just a matter of time before all returns to normal. Already I am seeing great changes in my energy levels...and the fog that has clouded my motivation appears to be lifting. Hopefullly, things will continue to get better.
Your good thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.
For the past few days I have been entertaining a friend of mine from the West Coast. He's a married guy who is working through his gay issues. He's already decided that he is going to divorce his wife of over 20 years and move forward in his new life.
I took him into DC today and we walked all over... He has been to this area before, but hasn't really had the opportunity to do much touring. So, we have really had a good time.
One things that he and I both saw at one of the Smithsonian Museums was both surprising and quite affirming.
My friend and I spent quite a bit of time touring the the Air and Space Museum on Independence Avenue. As we walked around and viewed all the exhibits, I was rather amazed to discover that the American History Museum is closed for renovations. However, some of the more popular items are on display at Air & Space in a special gallery.
As we walked through the gallery we came upon an exhibit that was described as new acquisitions. A sign said that although the American History Museum was temporarily closed, the Smithsonian was still actively acquiring new items to document the American Experience. So imagine our shock when we saw in the showcase items from a 1965 demonstration before the White House seeking equal treatment for homosexuals. These items were from the collection of activist, Frank Kameny. The display has some protest signs, a photoraph of the original demosntration, and buttons that said, "Gay is Good."
Can you imagine?
Attached with this article is a photograph my friend took of the exhibit.
I was pleasantly amazed.
One visitor at the display was also amazed....he smiled and said, "Ten years ago, this would never have been here. Progress is being made."
Yes, progress is being made.
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