Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday Morning Early

I bet you all thought I had dropped off the face of the earth!

Really, I haven't. I just had a houseguest for the past week or so, and he just left to return to his home in San Francisco.

He's a guy that I met online through an organization I'm a part of. He is just beginning the divorce thing...and had been quizzing me about what all I had been through during the course of my separation and the subsequent divorce. So, I invited him out here to spend a week of decompressing....or seeing the sites....and also shooting pictures with his digital camera. As you all know, I enjoy this stuff we were quite a match shuttling to the various points of interest the Washington DC area has to offer.

I just drove him to Dulles Airport...and have now returned home to a very quiet house. It's kind of odd to have the place back to myself....after having had company for the past 8 days.

A lot has been happening...and I will catch you all up in the coming days. But, I wanted you all to know that I'm back!

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