Tuesday, May 09, 2006


This weekend daughter number one graduated from college Summa Cum Laude!

It was quite a big deal...and I must say, I was more proud than anyone could ever imagine.

The other big event was the fact that my parents were there and it was the first time since all the talk of divorce that they had laid an eye on "Lovey." I gave my mother the same speech over and over again...."This weekend is not about you.....it's not about "Lovey", or "Lovey's" family...it's not about me and "Lovey"....but it's about your eldest granddaughter and her achievements.

So, at one of the ponds on the campus, my parents saw "Lovey"....and it went well, considering the tenseness. My mom and "Lovey" did not wind up in the pond fighting a la Linda Evans and Joan Collins in Dynasty.


Watching the festivities and seeing my daughter eclipsed any attitudes. I ignored the drama and focused on her.

But there were silly moments over the course of the week...like when "Lovey" called my cellphone and she got what she thought was an answer and no one spoke to her, she immediately thought that my mother was in some way snubbing her. She left a very terse message that said that she was sorry that no one would talk with her.... Well, sorry to say, at the time, no one was there to talk with her because my parents and I were in a Mexican restaurant eating dinner. But the bitterness in the recording of her voice was something to hear.....especially since she is a minister!

After I got home...and my parent drove home to where they live....I found myself coming off the high that I have been experiencing over the past few days. I think what has happened is that with all the excitement surrounding my daughter's graduation, and the fact that my parents were coming, and the fact that Zach would be there....well, after it was all over...it seems like air has escaped from a balloon. I'm not "down" per se...but I'm certainly not as "high" as I was....

I guess the fact that I'm suffering from dual ear infections and a sore throat has not helped my mood....

We've gotten the word that "Lovey" will be pastoring 2 churches. This means that they are two small country churches and she will be required to preach twice each Sunday. They are in a town that is approximately 85-90 miles away from where we currently live. She's already gone to see the churches...and she has looked at the parsonage where she will be living. It's a lot better place than I thought she might get. The house is currently empty...and she is scheduled to officially move on June 28. Hopefully she will be able to begin doing some serious moving earlier. So we shall see.

My next hurdle of pain will be when she begins to officially move out. I dread it. But, one good thing is the fact that I have my daughter with me now. She will help make the transition easier.

1 comment:

Vic Mansfield said...

Frank, go easily and gently with yourself, and with relationships. I'm glad you've found a friend.

Cheers, Joe.