Monday, November 24, 2008

Thank You!

Thanks to all of you who have written to me backchannel to express your support for me. I know you're there and I feel your love and support, but I feel that I really need to clarify an additional point on this blog.

Picture it as a look into my head and how I analyze things. This is an opportunity for me to express my deepest thoughts, fears, and secret longings and perceptions. You, who read this, are privy to things that my closet friends and colleagues are not. This is not a sterile document.

It's raw.

It's unfiltered.

It's me...warts and all.

1 comment:

Java said...

That's one of the things I like about blogging, that I can express the unrefined yearnings, longings, dissatisfactions, etc.

I guess it makes some people uncomfortable. Not me, though. I'm a lot more comfortable with someone who is painfully honest about the difficult things than with someone who pretends everything is hunky-dory.

You sound fine to me. It's your blog. Do with it what you want.