Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Very Long Day

I have had a very long snd stressful day here at my office overlooking a busy street here in Washington, D.C. Since I have approximately 45 minutes before I leave to go home and have a great dinner, I thought I would sit and write to all of you.

When I reread some of these posts I cringe. I know I made a pledge back at the beginning that said I would never try to gloss things over or airbrush myself. I certainly succeeded in that pledge. I honestly can't believe some of these postings.

I guess I could remove them, but you know....there may be some men out there undergoinig similar issues and in some way this might help them.

So I keep this blog intact.

I keep writing.

I keep sharing my deepest and darkest thoughts hopes and fears with all of you.

I really do appreciate your faithfulness at reading this. I can tell from the stats I see, there are a number of you who are a lot more faithful at reading all this than me at writing all this stuff.

I appreciate each of you tremendously.

I thank you for your comments....and your email.

So if you keep reading, I promise to keep writing.

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