Monday, January 21, 2013

President Obama

Today was certainly an eventful day for us gay folks.

The President spoke of Stonewall and of marriage and the like. I nearly fell out of my chair. I had to explain to my daughter just exactly what Stonewall was, and why it had such significance for me.

So, liberals like myself loved the speech....and the conservatives will hate it.

Oh my!

None of this changes the fact that I am still here and that I am still gay....

It is amazing to see just how far this issue has progressed through the years. It used to be considered so disgusting...AWFUL....WRONG....but at least here in the Washington, DC area, it is no big deal.

I just went to the grocery store. A gay couple checked out ahead of me. No one batted an eye.

I had dinner at a Chinese Restaurant close to my home and they were all glued to the television watching the parade. As I looked on, a gay and lesbian marching band went by...and the TV commentators mentioned their names.....zoomed in on the banner they were carrying. I watched some of the working class men standing in line.....and expected some snide comments....but it was just business as usual. Nothing bad happened.


So, we are realizing I believe that gay people are just like everyone else. We are entitled to be happy just like everyone else. We're not child molesters, perverts...and we're not sending the country to hell....blah....blah...blah.

God has also not sent down fire and brimstone to all the states sanctioning gay marriage either.

In fact, Western Civilization as we know it continues to operate and has not missed a beat.

So, I hope the Bible thumpers will just take a powder...and calm down.....and learn tolerance.

It's time.

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