Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Great Weekend Planned Ahead!

A couple of weeks ago I decided to do something special – just for me. I’m going to do something that I’ve wanted to do for the past couple of years, but never got the nerve to do it. So, this year I’m doing something about it!

I’m a member of an online group called HOW. HOW stands for Husbands Out to Wives. This is the group that I discovered a couple of weeks prior to my separation. They were holding their annual meeting in Baltimore that year and I had signed up to attend one day of it. That day was day two following the pronouncement from Lovey.

I was a wreck.

However, I have made so many very special friends in that group…and I have wanted to participate in subsequent gatherings, but just didn’t have the courage to commit. So, this year I decided to do it.

This year we are meeting in Providence, Rhode Island at the Providence Biltmore Hotel. I’m arriving super late tonight….and will be there until Monday morning. I’ll get to take part in all the workshops and offerings….and get to know all the guys better. Some of the men I know very well and they have taken time for me over the years to bring me up out of the pit.

So, that’s my weekend plans!

Wish me luck!

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