Friday, July 07, 2006

Life's Little Mysteries

This week my moods have been all over the charts. If you're a fan of this blog, you know.

I suppose it is to be expected. In spite of all the ups and down, I do see a vast improvement in me overall from how I was this time last year.

Last summer was Hell. Pure and simple.

I wanted to die.

It felt like my heart had been yanked from my chest and that my various appendages were only hanging on by a thread.

Yes, for all the ups and downs I've been throuh this week, my current attitude, countenance, and outlook are a vast improvement.

Now for some of life's little mysteries...

#1 and I went looking for carpet last night. The place I had originally consulted came through with their estimates.....and it was highway robbery....pure and simple....what they wanted to charge.

A friend recommended a carpet place that I visited last evening. Suffice it to say, I'm getting some really nice carpet for almost half of what I had originally been quoted at the other company. It pays to shop around.

As we were returning home, #1 told me that she had talked to Lovey's attorney, at Lovey's farewell reception two weeks ago. For the record, her attorney is a member of the church that she was on staff of....the church that I had been a member of.

#1 said the attorney approached her at Lovey's farewell reception and said, "How's your mother doing?" #1 replied, "As far as I can tell, she's fine."

"I'm worried about her," he said.

#1 said she let the comment drop...and chose not to pursue it. She feels that there are folks at that church that think she is an awful daughter...because it appears she is taking sides against her mom.

Still, I am curious about why an attorney would be concerned about Lovey.

Then, yesterday, yours truly received two calls from separate members of the church wanting to know how I am...

One of those calls was from Lovey's replacement.

The other was from the Lay Minister.

Now, keep in mind....and if you'll read the earlier entries in my blog, only a couple of people from that church have kept in close contact with me to express their love and concern.

So, why is that Lovey has been gone for only one Sunday, I'm getting calls.

Hmmmmm. That JoDee Messina song that says "WHERE WERE YOU when my life was coming unglued..." comes to mind.

#1 says I need to be nice....

BUT...I really want to know where have they been this past year when I have needed someone?

Did they all make assumptions that I was doing okay simply because I didn't call THEM? Why didn't they care enough just to pick up the telephone to see for themselves?

Why now?

And when I return their calls, what should I say?


Anonymous said...

First, I must say, I have been reading your blog for a couple months now and sometimes it's like looking into my own soul. I am a few steps behind you and had been married for 25 years. My life has changed so much in the past year and your story helps to give it direction. Now as to your response to those that are finally asking, just tell them you're fine thank you and move on. If they couldn't ask before, you probably don't need them in your life now, but why burn bridges. Thanks for sharing you life with us.

Frank said...

Wow! Mark...

Thanks for the post.... It really does a lot for me to know that my story is having an effect.

Please let me know how you are progressing.