Monday, August 25, 2008

No News

The surgeon dropped by and gave mom a good report on her hip replacement. He says that it is healing very nicely. They offered her the opportunity to either get physical therapy at home or at an outpatient facility. She selected home....but was told that would work until she began her radiation therapy.

Supposedly tomorrow we will hear something to give us an idea of the treatment plan....and the prognosis. I just pray that it's not dismal and that all is not lost.

This has raised so many demons in my mind. I feel like the little kid again that's afraid of being left as an orphan. My goodness I am 50 years old.

I am planning to drive to home this Friday evening....and will spend the entire weekend including Monday and Tuesday with my folks. There we can strategize a bit.

I'm working to be strong....but this is so hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mom.