Friday, September 14, 2007

Something Profound

Well, the system here says that this is post #400 in my blog.

I wish I had something great or profound to leave you with ass you read this, but I'm weary....and ready for bed.

It was a busy day for me. I arose at an ungodly hour and got to the office by 6:30a.m. We all then headed for the dock in Southwest Washington to catch the boat that would take all of us to Mt. Vernon. My boss decided that we all needed a break and he treated us to an all day visit to Mt. Vernon and the boat rides to and from....along with breakfast and lunch.

It was great getting to enjoy the fresh air, the river, and just being able to ponder and to well as to spend some time with my friends at the office in a non professional setting.

Tonight I got to spend time with gay male friends from my church. We had dinner and played cards until close to midnight. I'm tired, but in a happy kind of way.

Brokeback has been in Munich this week on business....

He returns tomorrow afternoon and may join me for church on Sunday. This is my 3-day I hope to get lots accomplished.

Tonight in the mids of my card playing, my cell phone rang. Lovey was calling to grouse about the marine.....and the fact that he had not shown up at her house as planned.....and the he had not been in contact with her mother.

I told her that I had text messaged him to see where he was, and had not received a response. So, I didn't know where he was, or what he has been up to.

After hearing Lovey grumble and complain more, I told her that I would do some checking to see what was going on.

We hung up....I texted the marine and got a response back. He was summoned back to base early...after he had begun his trip to see his mom. He said he was upset by this.

So, I'm not sure what all of this is about...but it bothers me....

I don't want to be accused of alientating my kids from Lovey. (She's done a good enough job of that herself through the years.)

I don't have really good feelings about the marine headed off to Iraq.......I hae this terrible forboding that something is going to happen to him over there.

If this in fact happens, it will aboslutely kill me. I just don't know how I will be able to handle all this. Only God knows.

I pray that I am wrong. I've told him repeatedly how much I love him. I just hope that wherever he goes or whatever he does, he will remember this.....

I'm worried.

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