Friday, July 13, 2007


In a divorce there is so much you have to do in order to disentangle your life from the other person.

I finally got the final decree in the mail last Friday. In order to cancel Lovey’s health coverage on my plan, I had to have the decree and provide my human resources folks a copy. So, I did that on Monday.

I signed onto my health plan’s Web site today and looked at the claims that have been filed for my family since 2005. (That’s only as far back as they go online.) I wish I had been aware of the site before now….because it would have been interesting to look at the numbers that Lovey had.

The ones they did show were interesting though. So, here are the stats.

In 2005 (now remember, June 9 that year is when she lowered the proverbial boom on me.) there were 80 medical claims just for her. That’s 80 doctor’s visits! That’s over 1 ½ visits per week. At one time she blamed me for making her sick all the time.

In 2006, that number reduced to 55. Keep in mind that she moved away from her cadre of physicians on June 20 that year. So, in the latter half of that year, her visits dramatically dropped. She did keep her visits with her psychiatrist and travels back and forth to those.

This year she only had 10 visits through June 19.

So definitely she is finding out that moving far away from me has made her a lot more healthy!

I am so amazed at how much she had to go to the doctor. But I guess life is very hard when you are married to a queer guy.

She did tell me that I made her life hell.

And that she was raw inside.

And those god forsaken wooden spoons in the dishwasher.

And that devilish toilet seat lid.

The only thing left undone is the transfer of the $70,000 plus interest to my retirement fund.

Then I will be totally disentangled! WHEW!

1 comment:

bear said...

congrats, finally! But I don't think you can really be disentangled from people you spent so much time, plus the fact you both share the kids. I hope you guys can at least stay friends, there are so few to go around! I think you guys were just victims of a society that EXPECTS gay people not to be straight and married. It's no one's fault, hopefully the emotional scars can be soothed over in time. :)