Thursday, January 25, 2007

An Awful Day

Well, I'm home now. Safe and sound in the solitude of my house. It's quiet and peaceful and snow is gently falling outside.

Today was emotional and gut-wrenching.

My wife responded to my email....and she didn't just respond....but she went into the gay thing...and then cc'd her attorney. So, I am now out to him. He goes to the church I have been attending.

I responded simply by sayng, "You cc'd your attorney?"

She never responded.

I stewed for a while.....and then I decided to respond in kind. I cc'd the attorney.

So,by the time I arrived home.....she had sent me a private email that had abruptly changed tone.....almost gentle

It made me cry.

She said in the email that she had been crying too.

I don't know what's going on....but I suspect that as things get closer and closer to the end.....she may have more outbursts like this. It must be finally hitting her...and maybe she is having regrets?


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