Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Keep Your Fingers Crossed

I just got my attorney’s (Patti’s) marked up draft of the separation agreement. It looks great and I am very pleased with all her work. She certainly has been fun to work with!

Can it bet that this could all be settled by the end of this week?

Patti says it can.

She also told me that my wife’s outburst yesterday, painful as it was for me, was fairly typical at this point in the game.

But to out me to her attorney, which in turn forced me to out myself to mine? Patti did say that was low of her.

After I caught my breath from that one and calmed down a bit, I sent Lovey a note saying that for her information, with her telling her attorney that I was gay, forced me to tell Patti, which, in view of the fact that supposedly the gay thing has nothing to do with our divorce, was totally unnecessary.

Two days later, Lovey wrote me an apology saying that it was all a mistake….


If I were a hateful person….I could play dirty ball. It’s not my style…and I choose to fly above it all and soar.

However, these little dramas a long the way have taken their toll.

Keep your fingers crossed that I’m able to make it through these final few hoops and then ONWARD and UPWARD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the need for money has forced Lovey to move faster than she would have liked (for what ever reason) but what ever the cost in outbursts etc., given that the agreement gets signed and sealed that is the important thing.